Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Placenta Cork Keepsakes

Cord keepsakes are one of the things that you get to keep and cherish from your bonding relationship with your baby. They can be made into so many different shapes and then converted or used for so many awesome craft projects.

What did you do with your cord keepsake?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Holiday Giveaway! Texas Doula

Holidays are the best time of year and it feels so good to give to others!

Let's celebrate the holidays with a giveaway!

Check out our Facebook page (HERE) for more information...

ONE ceremonial bath ($100 value) for you AND ONE for a friend

Enter between November 27, 2014 and December 1, 2014
Winner will be randomly selected at 2 pm CST on December 2, 2014
How to enter:
1. Like our page on Facebook
2. Share the Giveaway post on Facebook
3. Comment on our Facebook post and tell us which ceremonial bath you would choose and tag 1 friend who you think would enjoy their own ceremonial bath.
4. Sign up for our newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/2mmMD

Happy Holidays!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Holiday Sale! Texas Doula

As promised, here are the holiday sale details!

Contact me today to book your doula, placenta encapsulation, postpartum, meal preparation, mother blessing, belly binding, ceremonial bath or other service. 
Pay your deposit between today November 28, 2014 and December 1, 2014 and receive the holiday discount price: 50% off any birth doula package/service and/or 25% off all other services/packages!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Keep an eye out on the blog and Facebook page for a holiday giveaway!

Happy shopping and be safe!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Babywearing Week

Babywearing holds a special place in my heart. This past week was International Babywearing week and hopefully this week I will be taking the VBE test with Babywearing International and starting a BWI chapter for Bell County. In celebration, I am having a giveaway, find the details below...

Starts today October 12, 2014
Ends Thursday October 16, 2014

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, October 3, 2014

Word of the day!

The Service of the Day:

Sunday: Doula
Monday: Placenta Encapsulation
Tuesday: Mother Blessing
Wednesday: Belly Casting
Thursday: Bengkung Belly Binding
Friday: Ceremonial Bath
Saturday: Reflexology

Monday, September 15, 2014

Childbirth Today...

The more involved in birth work I become the more I reflect back and think of Warren's birth. I feel sad for women who end up like I did, not knowing their options and thinking they knew what was important. Scheduling the induction because it is convenient and they don't know any better. Being so excited on that day and having an amazing birth that they wouldn't change. Then being told they had to deliver the placenta...the what? Why didn't I know about this before giving birth? That is when the questions start. 
What else do I not know about? What other options did I have? Getting out of the hospital and watching The Business of Being Born and understanding why being induced was so hard on your body and labor and why you felt like you were on drugs and not connecting with your baby right away. Understanding all the hormones involved in pregnancy and birth and really understanding what the placenta is and how beautiful and important of an organ it really is. After all of this, I just have to say, to all my friends...know your options, do your research, dig even further...don't be afraid, knowledge is power and believe me you want the birth of your baby to be something to remember forever. 
If you thought wedding planning was fun and amazing and a great memory, you have so much more to enjoy from the birth of your children. I can't stress this enough...do your research and know your options. The birth of your children will be something you reflect on and think about almost daily. You don't want it to be a bad experience or something you regret. Don't be afraid and trust your body and your baby. They both know what is important and will let you know in some way if something is wrong and when the right time for that precious baby to be born is. Don't force something that isn't ready. Would you take a cake out of the oven early just because you wanted to eat it so badly? Would you want to eat raw under cooked caked because you felt you couldn't wait any longer for it to finish cooking? Don't risk having a premature baby that could be extremely hard on you and baby.
I am not against hospital or medicated birth either. If you want a hospital birth with the epidural and the whole shebang, go for it. However, I still think everyone needs to research each and every option and intervention to know what the pros and cons are to everything. Start with The Business of Being Born, it will lead you to questions and answers you never thought of before. Know and trust your care provider. If you don't feel comfortable asking them questions, are they really the right person to trust with such an intimate part of your life? Look into a doula, they aren't just for specific types or settings of birth and if you want to learn more about anything in the birth world, I can almost guarantee they will know or will be willing to help you find out.
Also I completely understand that those last few weeks can be hard and you get to the point that you just want it to be over so your not pregnant and miserable anymore. I will give you a clue right now...pregnancy is a huge emotional thing. If you tell yourself you will wait and trust your body and your baby...then you won't feel as miserable. If you tell yourself you are sick and tired of being pregnant and just want it over, you will feel miserable and tired and done. Same emotional concept comes into play during birth. If you believe you can do it and you have a positive attitude, then your chances of accomplishing what you want to will skyrocket. Don't make yourself miserable, trust your perfect body and baby.
   "You're Gunna Miss This" by Trace Adkins is a great way to think about your pregnancy and childbirth. You may think you are tired of being pregnant and just want it to be over with, but remember that later on in life you will miss being pregnant and feeling a living being growing inside of you. Cherish the moments while you can.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Lot of Work....

Well I have been working hard on getting everything set up and ready to go. I have my placenta encapsulation bag all organized and ready to go. I even got my brand new capsule machine that can do up to 100 capsules at once. I have all the paperwork ready and even put together some folders for new clients. I can't wait to do another placenta encapsulation. It has been a while since I have done one and I already miss it.

I also recently finished all of the power points for all the classes I am hoping to teach at the birthing center. As much as I love to learn, I also love to spread my knowledge.

I am now preparing to work on all the paperwork that will be needed as a doula, including paperwork for tub rental. I am excited to get my hands on a professional birthing tub and can't wait to offer it to my doula clients.